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ZooTopia 2008, Mai

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1ZooTopia 2008, Mai Empty ZooTopia 2008, Mai So Jun 21, 2009 4:56 am


Jesse's Kumpel
Jesse's Kumpel

OMG das ist doch sooo verdammt süüüß :D

Boy: So many Guys I didn't know, But one Guy I did know my friend
Jesse McCartney who was grounded by his screaming fans..
Hey you guys, we're here with one of them cool singers Jesse McCartney
Jesse: How's goin Bud?
Boy: Great, tell me about your album
Jesse: well, It's called departure, It's comin out this tuesday 28th, My third album, my third solo record and aah I'm very excited about it It's a long time I've been on that record and uuh It#s a big new sound for me and I'm really exited for the fans to hear it
Boy: I heard you bought your first house, How does it feel?
Jesse: hah yea you you heard about that It feels great man I'm livin on my own And I moved back to los Angeles, Have you ever been to LA?
Boy: No
Jesse: ooh you will soon, I'm sure but it's aaaa fun place
Boy: Can i have your old room?
Jesse: You want my old room? yeah sure i got a place for you to stay
Boy: Thanks
Jesse: you know it's gon' crash in my bed (?)
Boy: I read that you have to pet rats,is that true?
Jesse: A long time ago,growin up, I had two pet rats rightnow I am Petfree
I would love it to get a dog but I don't have any pets
Boy: What was the rats names?
Jesse: Mocca (Mocha ka) and Blanche (weibliches weiß^^ auf Französich blanc wär männlich)
Boy: cool names
Jesse: cool
Boy: so you just turned 21 in april my brothers birthday was in april too
Jesse: oh nice
Boy: we went bowling, what did you do?
Jesse: I went to Las Vegas, heard of it?
Boy: yeah
Jesse: We went to Las Vegas and were out with some of my friends, we had a great time
Boy: what's your next projekt?
Jesse: My next projekt? Right now, you know the record is just a it's a you know It's a definatley a big step for me and I have to promote it, gone over sees (?) The next big thing is Imma go out on a tour probably in the fall and surrounding the country
Boy: ah cool, thank you Jesse McCartney
Jesse: anytime man, nice to meet you, great interview
Boy: thank you
Jesse: alright

wenn ichs noch übersetzten solldann sagt bescheid :) Aber eigentlich ist der leicht zu checken :)

2ZooTopia 2008, Mai Empty Re: ZooTopia 2008, Mai Di Jun 23, 2009 11:32 pm

Daddy´s little girl

Daddy´s little girl
Jesse's Kumpel
Jesse's Kumpel

DSa is soooo DAMN SÜß!!!!!!!!!!!

3ZooTopia 2008, Mai Empty Re: ZooTopia 2008, Mai Mi Jun 24, 2009 2:51 am



ja gelll voll süüüüß^^ und auch leicht zu kapieren! ja des video kenne wir auch, aber des ist so geil, wir könntens uns immer wieder angucken! der kleine junge hats so gut!^^

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